Welcome to the world of Tatyana Divina, a dedicated composer who has brought to life over 250 instrumental pieces across a variety of genres including Easy Listening, Jazz, Relaxing, Ambient, and Gothic. Tatyana shares her perspective on music, saying, “Music exists independently of anyone. My passion is to explore it and express it in sound. The ability of music to reveal itself depends on the composer’s readiness. The more attuned the composer is, the more faithfully the music can be translated from its pure form into sound. This makes composing a reflective and meditative practice.” On our website, you can explore Tatyana Divina’s full discography, complete with brief descriptions of each album, inviting you to experience her musical expressions.

Music exists independently of anyone. My passion is to explore it and express it in sound. The ability of music to reveal itself depends on the composer’s readiness. The more attuned the composer is, the more faithfully the music can be translated from its pure form into sound. This makes composing a reflective and meditative practice.

Tatyana Divina, composer, writer

In the depths of our consciousness, we often find ourselves lost, seeking refuge from the pressures that weigh upon us. Here, we risk losing our essence, becoming mere instruments of Fate—played with a precision akin to the way we drive our cars. While retreating inward may make decision-making challenging, stepping beyond the boundaries of our awareness can leave us feeling ungrounded, leading to impulsive actions. What we truly need is balance—an equilibrium between our inner depth and the world beyond.

Listening to relaxing and easy-listening music helps us unwind and meditate, absorbing its soothing rhythms to rejuvenate our thought processes. This strengthens our mental resilience against the daily wear and tear of routine life, harmonizing our mind and body to function as a unified entity. While this music relaxes us, it also keeps us alert, enhancing our ability to seize opportunities as they arise. Ultimately, this not only empowers us but also significantly fortifies both our mental and physical well-being.

Tatyana Divina · Happy Hours @ tatyanadivina.com

Have you ever visited places that leave an indelible mark of warmth and joy in your heart? Places you could talk about endlessly, and that rejuvenate you with a sense of complete serenity upon each return? If you’re yearning for such an experience, we invite you to embark on an unforgettable journey through the meditative music of Tatyana Divina, crafted for relaxation and peace. Begin your journey here or anywhere you choose; the soothing waves of Tatyana’s music will find you, enveloping you in a tranquil tide. Close your eyes, focus on the gentle calm seeping into every muscle. With every breath, with every heartbeat, let the warmth of Tatyana Divina’s melodies transport you further away, to a destination where warmth and deep calm envelop you continually. Find yourself in a serene sanctuary crafted just for you, where eternity and constancy weave together into a single, enduring thread—shaped by your will alone.



It’s truly astonishing how material things can connect us to the spiritual realm, allowing us to draw rich, evocative melodies from silent, inanimate objects. These melodies offer us immediate solace, prompting us to see the positivity surrounding us afresh, granting us calmness and stability against our very will. In these fleeting moments, Tatyana Divina’s music invites you to relax and deeply grasp the delicacy of balance, enhancing your understanding of profound positivity that you can amplify through your own resolve.

Tatyana’s compositions aim to illuminate this truth, waiting for you to perceive and embrace it. Everything in our world has a purpose, often leading us to insights we might have forgotten or overlooked, only to be recalled when intuition guides us to make unique decisions. Immerse yourself in a world of sounds, images, and impressions that may captivate you, sweeping you away from reality into a vivid future filled with exhilarating emotions.

As you engage with Tatyana’s music, you’ll feel fortified, gaining strength and power. Your breathing will stabilize, and in harmony with your emotions, you’ll move forward—effortlessly and passionately, as your path unfolds before you. Control over your body and mind is yours, and upon awakening the next morning, it will be to a new day, feeling reborn.



As you immerse yourself in this gentle instrumental music, you’ll begin to feel a unique connection forming between you and the elusive subtleties of reality. Allow images and memories to flood your mind freely. As these connections strengthen, peace and warmth will envelop you completely, bringing a sense of discovery akin to finding a book filled with answers to all your questions. You’ll feel like a sprout, unfurling effortlessly, as a profound understanding of reality in all its forms and manifestations is granted to you.

This music will transform your approach to life, making it lighter and brighter, helping you understand the true motives behind your actions and refine your behavior. What once seemed secondary in your existence will become a treasured gift that you give to yourself. Breathe in its delicate fragrance, appreciate its beautiful form and color, and savor the fruit of eternity.

Embrace this wonderfully new experience; forge ahead on the unexplored pathways of life without fear. What matters is the assurance that you are on the right path.


Potpourri on themes of Y.Frenkel, V.Sidorov, P.Rusakov, O.Feltcman, Potpourri on themes of A.Ostrovsky, A.Novikov, A.Eshpai, Potpourri on themes of A.Lepin, Musical Moment (A.Petrov). Arrangement by Tatyana Divina.


TALES AND STORIES by Tatyana Divina.